Lunes, Agosto 31, 2015

DMMMSU Fisheries tour

  • isa sa mga hugot pictures ni simz! :D

    one of best hugot picture of the place! :D

    alin? alin? alin ang naiba ??!

    si manong at mga seaweeds!! :P :P

    Definitely a great hugot picture! c/o cdt 2cl SIMZZZZZ!
    URCHINS!!! :D

  • Date Arrived: 28 1030H August 2015
  • Date Departed: 28 1530H August 2015

  • Location: Sto. Tomas, San Fernando, La Union

  • Observations: DMMMSU fisheries institutes, DMMMSU stands for Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University is an institute where in it focuses mainly on fish industry and other water related duties. The weather the time we arrived is so hot. And the wind coming from the sea makes me to doze, luckily, the topic being presented in the place is an interesting one which includes a variety of products made out of seaweeds.

  • Activities: The tropical climate of our country had again welcomed us into our last destination, the DMMMSU fisheries Institute. Right after we arrived we immediately proceed to a briefing and some presentation of the institute's group regarding their place and their capabilities. Next is that we have a short tour in their place and some of our mistahs gather some of organisms found in their territories and keep it for souvenir, then we walk back to our previous place for a supposed to be "hit the water" (taking a bath/ soaking in water) as we cadets called it, but sadly that never happened. And after our mess, we made our way back here in the Philippine Military Academy.
  • Environmental Issues: From what I have seen in the area, the place is highly maintained and no other human intervention except for human studies and business (eq: fisheries and souvenir shops) are found in the community. The air is so refreshing, given the fact that I've never went to a beach area for months now, the timely event somewhat soothes my longing for beaches :D

  • Problems: Same as the above, I can't see any problem in the community most especially in the sea and waters, for they have maintain its balanced and they also help in the protection of the localities line of work.

  • Personal Impressions: I want to go on swimming! But in the beach! I want to taste again its salt water and feel the waves hitting my back. Maybe some other time, but surely I will experienced it. A clean environment or surroundings are indications of a healthy and a balanced ecosystem. So we are to take part, not on exploiting it but in taking care of it! It is in our hands on how it will gave us our basic needs and others. So this is call to everyone of us, to TAKE CARE OF OUR ENVIRONMENT, AS IT TAKE CARE OF US!